Curriculum Vitae

 Ben Spitz


Fellowships and Awards

Conference and Seminar Organizing


  • socAlgTop
         Saturday May 11, 2024 @ IPAM
         co-organized with Mike Hill, Morgan Opie, and Richard Wong
  • AMS Special Session: Topics in Equivariant Algebra
         Wednesday Jan 3, 2024 @ Joint Mathematics Meetings
         co-organized with Christy Hazel and Mike Hill


  • Graduate Student Seminar
         Quarterly, Fall 2019 - Spring 2024 @ UCLA
  • Algebraic Topology Participating Seminar: Equivariant Algebra
         Spring Quarter 2023 @ UCLA
  • Algebraic Topology Participating Seminar: Computations in Equivariant Homotopy Theory
         Fall Quarter 2022 @ UCLA
  • Algebraic Topology Participating Seminar: Condensed Mathematics
         Spring Quarter 2022 @ UCLA
  • "Baby Algebra" Summer Seminar: Algebraic Groups
         Summer 2021 @ UCLA
         co-organized with Louis Esser



  • Localizations of Tambara Functors
         August 9, 2024
         MathFest Contributed Paper Session: Advances in Algebraic Topology
  • Mackey and Tambara Functors Beyond Equivariant Homotopy
         January 23, 2024
         CU Boulder Topology Seminar
  • Generalized Mackey and Tambara Functors
         January 6, 2024
         AIM Special Session on Equivariant Techniques in Stable Homotopy Theory
  • Localizations and Spectra of Tambara Functors
         January 3, 2024
         AMS Special Session: Topics in Equivariant Algebra
  • Mackey and Tambara Functors Beyond Equivariant Homotopy
         December 11, 2023
         UNAM Morelia Topology Seminar
  • Mackey and Tambara Functors Beyond Equivariant Homotopy
         November 17, 2023
         Vanderbilt University Geometry/Topology Seminar
  • Mackey and Tambara Functors Beyond Equivariant Homotopy
         November 14, 2023
         UIUC Topology Seminar
  • Mackey and Tambara Functors Beyond Equivariant Homotopy
         November 2, 2023
         OSU Homotopy Seminar
  • Mackey and Tambara Functors Beyond Equivariant Homotopy
         October 4, 2023
         University of Minnesota Topology Seminar
  • Mackey and Tambara Functors Beyond Equivariant Homotopy
         September 20, 2023
         European Autumn School in Topology
  • Introduction to Vector Bundles in Algebra and Topology
         September 14, 2023
         eCHT Seminar: Algebraic Vector Bundles
  • Day Convolution, Internal Hom, and Green Biset Functors
         Two-lecture series
         June 20-21, 2023
         Topics in Representation Theory: Biset Functors
  • Mackey and Tambara Functors over LCC Categories
         April 3, 2023
         UPenn Homotopy Theory Seminar
  • Mackey and Tambara Functors over LCC Categories
         March 16, 2023
  • An Invitation to Equivariant Algebra
         November 12, 2022
         Binghamton University Combinatorics, Algebra, and Topology Conference


  • Using Combinatorics to Compute Cohomology
         Spring 2024
         UCLA Graduate Student Seminar
  • Assemblers and Scissors Congruence
         Winter 2024
         UCLA Algebraic Topology Participating Seminar: K-Theory
  • Write Your Own Neural Net
         Winter 2024
         UCLA Graduate Student Seminar
  • Epimorphism Classes and the Adams Spectral Sequences
         Fall 2023
         UCLA Algebraic Topology Participating Seminar: Spectral Sequences
  • The Unramified Langlands Correspondence for Function Fields
         Fall 2023
         UCLA Algebra Participating Seminar: Geometric Langlands
  • Weird Dice and an Open Problem in Number Theory
         Fall 2023
         UCLA Graduate Student Seminar
  • The Quartic Formula
         Spring 2023
         UCLA Graduate Student Seminar
  • Universal Properties and (Co)cones
         Spring 2023
         UCLA Algebra Participating Seminar: ∞-Category Theory
  • Comma Infinity Categories
         Spring 2023
         UCLA Algebra Participating Seminar: ∞-Category Theory
  • Dynkin Around
         Winter 2023
         UCLA Graduate Student Seminar
  • A tropical proof of the Brill-Noether Theorem
         Fall 2022
         UCLA Algebra Participating Seminar: Tropical Geometry
  • Prime-Generating Polynomials
         Fall 2022
         UCLA Graduate Student Seminar
  • The Balmer Spectrum and tt-Classification
         Spring 2022
         UCLA Algebra Participating Seminar: Tensor Triangular Geometry
  • Condensed Mathematics
         4 Lectures
         Spring 2022
         UCLA Algebraic Topology Participating Seminar: Condensed Mathematics
  • Compact Hausdorff Spaces are Algebraic Objects
         Spring 2022
         UCLA Graduate Student Seminar
  • ∞-Operads
         Winter 2022
         UCLA Algebraic Topology Participating Seminar: Higher Algebra
  • Topoi: What's the Topoint?
         Winter 2022
         UCLA Graduate Student Seminar
  • Unstable Motivic Homotopy II
         Fall 2021
         UCLA Algebraic Topology Participating Seminar: Motivic Homotopy Theory
  • Categorification: Polynomial Edition
         Spring 2021
         UCLA Graduate Student Seminar
  • Babby's First Spectral Graph Theory
         Winter 2021
         UCLA Graduate Student Seminar
  • Hilbert's theorem on finite generation of rings of invariants
         Fall 2020
         UCLA Algebra Participating Seminar: Geometric Invariant Theory
  • Automorphism Towers of Groups
         Spring 2020
         UCLA Graduate Student Seminar
  • Perverse Sheaves I
         Winter 2020
         UCLA Algebra Participating Seminar: Perverse Sheaves
  • Amazing Adjoints and Where To Find Them
         Winter 2020
         UCLA Graduate Student Seminar
  • Birational maps of surfaces
         Fall 2019
         UCLA Algebra Participating Seminar: Surfaces
  • Galois Categories
         Fall 2019
         UCLA Graduate Student Seminar
  • Grothendieck Topologies and Sheaves
         Fall 2019
         UCLA "Baby Algebra" Seminar on Étale Cohomology
  • Selected Tidbits of Statistical Group Theory
         Spring 2019
         UCLA Graduate Student Seminar
  • The Krein-Milman Theorem and Slick Applications Thereof
         Winter 2019
         UCLA Graduate Student Seminar
  • Čech Cohomology
         Summer 2019
         UCLA "Baby Algebra" Summer Seminar on Sheaf Cohomology
  • Contravariant Finiteness and The Finitistic Dimension Conjecture
         Two-lecture series
         Spring Quarter 2018
         UCSB Algebra Seminar


  • UCLA
    • Instructor for Math 106: History of Mathematics
           Winter Quarter 2023
    • Instructor for Math 95: Transition to Upper Division Mathematics
           Fall Quarter 2023
    • Teaching Assistant for 22 courses
           Complete history:

Teaching evaluations available upon request.


  • Editorial Board
         2023 – Present
  • Undergraduate Studies Committee @ UCLA
         Academic Year 2023-2024
  • Directed Reading Program @ UCLA
    • Conor O'Quigley – Representation Theory of Finite Groups
           Spring Quarter 2024
    • Cathleen Qiao – Group Theory
           Spring Quarter 2024
    • Bockman Cheung – K-Theory
           Winter Quarter 2024
    • Jiantong Liu and Zayan Shariff – Category Theory
           Spring Quarter 2022
    • Jiantong Liu – Covering Spaces
           Fall Quarter 2022
    • Jiantong Liu – Class Groups of Number Fields
           Spring Quarter 2022
    • Jesse Chien – Homological Algebra
           Spring Quarter 2021
    • Runze Yu – Representations of Finite Groups
           Spring Quarter 2021
    • Runze Yu and Young He – Differential Topology
           Winter Quarter 2021
    • Runze Yu and Young He – Universal Algebra
           Fall Quarter 2020